Who we are

The Pact for Skills: Support to the Transformation of the TVET System in Ghana project is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), with funding support from the European Union (EU). It is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and other public and private sector stakeholders. The project is new within the technical cooperation programme “Training and Sustainable Growth for Good Jobs” in Ghana as a spin-off from the previous project “Programme for Sustainable Economic Development” (PSED).

In Ghana, approximately 85% of the economically active population work in the informal sector. The traditional training of apprentices makes up for about 80 to 90% of the overall Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). However, most TVET programmes and training providers do not meet the demands of the private sector. In 2019, the Government of Ghana initiated a transformation of the TVET sector better known as “Harmonization of TVET”. In this context, all 218 TVET institutions which were previously spread over 19 different ministries were organized under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education (MoE). Two agencies were newly established: The Commission for TVET (CTVET) responsible to regulate, promote and administer TVET and the TVET Service (TVETS) responsible to manage, oversee and implement approved national policies and programmes relating to pre-tertiary TVET. These two agencies are, among others, responsible for the expansion of competency-based training (CBT) approaches in Ghana.
Over the years, GIZ on behalf of the German Government supported reform processes through the Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI). The project is a continuation of the support to the Government of Ghana in this regard.
The overall objective of the project it to strengthen the capacity of the Ghanaian TVET system with regard to steering, TVET personnel capacity and labour market orientation. The project supports the Ghanaian Government’s strategy to enhance the TVET system by expanding structures and developing skills.

The major areas of support for the project include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Strengthening the capacities of state actors for TVET reform.
  2. Improving the competencies of TVET personnel to apply CBT.
  3. Enhancing the integration of the private sector into the TVET system.
  4. Ensuring the availability of vocational schools offering training courses in green sector.
  5. Supporting the digital transformation of the TVET system.