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Following three years preparation in designing and establishing the Modernized Apprenticeship Training, the first cohort of apprentices participated in the National Proficiency 1 assessment at the end of November 2015. This is setting the tone for providing structured training within the traditional apprenticeship in the informal sector and obtaining a recognized national certification.


The Modernized Apprenticeship Training is following a dual approach with structured training at the workplace and additional modules in selected schools. It is based on the Competency Based Training (CBT) approach, providing a unitized and outcomes-based qualification to create access to further education and training, and employment and self-employment opportunities.


During the pilot phase, a total of 229 apprentices attended the Modernized Apprenticeship Training in 2014/2015. With an attendance rate of 82% 188 apprentices participated in the theoretical and practical assessment in 5 pilot trades, Automotive, Cosmetology, Electronics, Garment and Welding. In addition, 5 generic subject, namely English, Mathematics, Science, Entrepreneurship and ICT, were assessed.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training Accredited as awarding body by the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET), the Technical Examination Unit (TEU) of Ghana Education Services (GES) supervised the assessment, which was conducted simultaneously in 16 schools in 3 pilot regions.






The content of assessment depends on the occupational standards developed jointly with the respective Trade Associations. However, it covers a wide range of theoretical questions and practical activities. During the practical assessment, the candidates had to attend to a client for hair and nail care in cosmetology, take measurements and sew a vest in garment, and cut, join and weld a metal chair in welding.

Modernizing the traditional apprenticeship training is a joint initiative of COTVET and the respective Trade Associations, with support from the German International Cooperation (GIZ). It includes the development of occupational standards and learning material for the different trades, reflecting the demand of the labour market to achieve higher employability for apprentices and create self-employment opportunities.

After successful participation in National Proficiency 1 and receipt of the certificate, the apprentices will be able to continue to attend the National Proficiency 2 training.