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GSDI Steering Committee Members visit TVET Institutions in Eastern Region


The GSDI Steering Committee embarked on a field trip to visit five TVET institutions to familiarise with their work and discuss their successes and challenges thus far. The steering committee consists of members from selected state institutions, trade associations, training providers, the private sector and development partners. The group started off with a visit to the Koforidua Technical Institute where they were welcomed by the vice principal and taken to see the garment, welding, electronics and automotive departments.

The group went on to Visit a Garment Factory which specialises in the mass production of uniforms of all kinds. The director of the factory commended GSDI on the activities of the project and requested for a stronger collaboration between industries like hers and the various trade associations. This will give apprentices the opportunity to build their speed and specialise in specific areas.

The Steering Committee Members interacted with members of the Association of Garages and went on a tour of a garage and welding facility to see the mechanics in action. The members of the association urged GSDI to continue to encourage the youth to pursue TVET courses in order to reduce unemployment in the country. They also expressed their readiness to take on apprentices who are interested in learning a trade.

The nature of the equipment and facilities at the welding and automotive departments of the St. Paul Technical School in Kukrantumi highly impressed the steering committee members. The students also exhibited some of the finished products from the welding department and showcased a number of the yet-to-be-completed work. The teachers admonished GSDI to encourage more females to pursue male-dominated trades; the welding department at the school currently has three females enrolled.

As part of GSDI's introduction of agriculture into the project, the team visited a nursery at Bunso to observe the process of grafting and budding of seedlings. GSDI will soon commence work in two agricultural value chains to boost training in agriculture.

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