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Delegation from the German Government visits GSDI in Koforidua, Eastern Region


Following the inter-governmental consultation on German-Ghanaian development cooperation, the German delegation from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has embarked on a field trip on 13th of June, 2018, to get insights into the TVET landscape in the region and the German support to TVET in Ghana through the Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI).


 The delegation which was led by Ms Birgit Pickel, Head of BMZ’s West Africa Division, visited both a TVET training school and a garage in Koforidua, Eastern Region. GSDI’S collaborative apprenticeship training approach combines training at the workplace as part of the existing apprenticeship system in the informal sector and school-based training at formal TVET providers.


At Koforidua Technical Institute (KOTECH), the group was welcomed by the principal, Mr. Isaac Oduro Gyamerah, who gave a brief introduction about the school. The principal along with other members of staff took the delegation to visit the automotive and electronics department among others to interact with the students and appreciate their work.


 The group also visited an automotive workshop owned by a master craftsperson (MCP) who is a member of the Ghana National Association of Garages (GNAG). Mr. Issah Quarcoo, the chairman of GNAG in the Eastern Region, welcomed the delegation, provided a brief background of the association and introduced the members of GNAG. He commended the work of GSDI and highlighted current challenges faced by MCPs in his field. The group later went on a tour of the workshop which specializes in welding, automotive and auto spraying.


Other dignitaries who took part in the field trip include Mr. Robin Cordes, Deputy Head of Development Cooperation at the German Embassy, Accra, Mr. Philip Graf von Schwerin, Director KfW Office Accra and Alexandra Mueller, Desk Officer Ghana, GIZ Eschborn.

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