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GSDI Pilots Master Trainers’ Workshop in Accra


The Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) has organized a 6-day training for 16 master craftspersons and trainers to build their capacity on workplace training. The training was held at Miklin Hotel, East Legon from 22-27th June. The workshop is in line with GSDI’s mandate to improve the quality of the traditional apprenticeship system in the informal sector to enhance skills and qualifications.

Participants expressed gratitude to GSDI at the end of the training for its continuous dedication toward the promotion of TVET. In addition, they commended the facilitators for introducing the practical simulation exercises and the opportunity to assess each other’s work on the last day of the training.

They look forward to utilizing their newly acquired skills to enable them become even better trainers at their work places and to train other master craftspersons on how to effectively train apprentices at the workplace. They also expressed the importance of having a “unique stamp” for all certified trainers and the need for all master craftspersons to go through similar training leading to their certification to promote quality and coherence in their work.

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