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GSDI III and CoLTEK launch Joint Cooperation in Festive Ceremony


The Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI III) and the College of Technology Education (CoLTEK) of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), situated on the Kumasi campus, officially launched their cooperation on April 4th, 2019 in a festive ceremony which included the presentation and signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the establishment of a joint working group. The working group will focus on the development of teaching material and a manual for in-service CBT-facilitation training. 

CoLTEK is currently the only institution training TVET teachers at the university level. TVET teachers are being trained in both theoretical and practical aspects of occupations and are qualified after graduation to train TVET students at the second cycle level (i.e. technical institutes). GSDI III, in turn, is providing capacity development for facilitators (teachers) and management staff of TVET training providers. In order to explore options on how to institutionally anchor this support to TVET teachers in the Ghanaian system and, thus, to ensure alignment and sustainability, GSDI and CoLTEK established contact and deepened cooperation through the signing of the MoU. GSDI III aims at supporting TVET teacher training focused on school management and competency-based training (CBT). The cooperation agreement will assign CoLTEK to implement state-of-the-art teacher training all over Ghana.

After the official part of the event had ended, the newly established working group between GSDI III and CoLTEK had their first working session while invited guests and dignitaries toured the CoLTEK facilities including the CBT Center.

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