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Sector Skills Bodies Stakeholders Meeting


GSDI III facilitated an initial meeting with stakeholders from Construction, Agriculture and Agribusiness and Tourism sectors to dialogue and define the boundaries of each sector towards the establishment sector skills bodies.
As part of the “Strategic Plan for TVET Transformation 2018-2022”, the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET)
aims to improve the participation of the industry in the TVET training system by the establishment of sector skills bodies to advise and participate in the training regime. GSDI III is supporting COTVET in this regard by supporting the piloting of two sector skills bodies.

The international Labour Organisation (ILO) launched the SKILLUP project in Ghana in February 2019 and seeks to support the piloting of sector skills bodies. GSDI III cooperates with ILO to harness their competence in this area. Under this collaboration, GSDI will support the establishment of a sector skills body for construction whilst ILO will support that for Tourism, and together, GSDI III and ILO support the sector skills body for agriculture and agribusiness.

Participants of the stakeholder meeting were:

Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture

Ghana Tourism Federation

Ghana Hotels Association

Car Rentals Association of Ghana

Hotel, Tourism and Catering Training

Tour Operators Union of Ghana

Ghana Progressive Hotels Association

Service Excellence Foundation

Ministry of Roads and Highways

National Vocational Training Institute

Construction Industry Development Forum

Ghana Chamber of Construction Industry

Ministry of Food and Agriculture

National Association of Farmers and Fishermen

Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana

Chamber of Agribusiness

Ghana Grains Council

Ministry of Education

Association of Ghana Industries – Agribusiness Sector

Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET)

International Labour Organisation – SKILLUP Project

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – PSED, TVET


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