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Visit of Koforidua Technical Institute by the Education Committee of the German Federal Parliament


Members of the Education Committee of the German Federal Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) visited one of GSDI’s regional partners, the Koforidua Technical Institute (KOTECH), in Ghana's beautiful Eastern Region. The delegation was accompanied with representatives of the German Embassy to Ghana, the Goethe Institute Ghana, the DAAD Ghana and GIZ.

Interested in Ghana’s TVET system and in the German support to it, they were welcomed warmly by KOTECH’s Principal, Rev. Nunoo who supplied the delegation with valuable information on TVET training providers in Ghana and led them on a visiting trip through the institute’s garment, auto mechanic and electronics workshops.
A presentation of GSDI’s work in 6 Ghanaian regions and of KOTECH itself received vivid interest by the Members of Parliament. The head of the delegation, Ms. Sybille Benning, thanked Rev. Nunoo and our GSDI colleagues for the valuable insight into the Ghanaian TVET system.

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