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Role Model and Ambassador Videos as part of COTVET’s MyTVET campaign


The national MyTVET campaign is executed by the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) in order to highlight the importance of the TVET sector in Ghana and to increase enrollment in Technical and Vocational Institutions. The campaign embraces activities such as the National Skills Competition, TVET clubs in Junior High Schools, Women in TVET conference, Career Guidance and Counselling and the use of TVET Ambassadors and Role Models.

Following the GSDI objective to highlight the importance of skills development through TVET in Ghana, GSDI has been supporting the conceptualization and implementation of COTVET’s MyTVET campaign from the start. In June 2019, the campaign launched with the support of GSDI in a festive ceremony at the Accra International Conference Centre, officially opened by Hon. Gifty Twum Ampofo, Deputy Minister of TVET (MoE).

Additionally, GSDI supports the roll-out of a Role Model Video and a Poster Campaign promoting TVET in Ghana. 3000 MyTVET posters have been distributed in all GSDI mandated regions in August 2019. In November, several dozens of Role Model and Ambassador Videos have been handed over to our cooperation partner COTVET.

During the coming weeks and months, the videos will be shared on COTVET’s and GSDI’s social medias sites, including youtube and facebook. The interested audience will see and hear the stories of many different personalities from divers TVET areas such as welding, spraying, electronics, garment, automotive, cosmetology and the agric sector. Apprentices, students, mastercrafts persons, facilitators, role models and ambassadors of Ghana's TVET sector are speaking out for technical and vocational education and training. All videos can be found in the TVET playlist of the GIZ Ghana Youtube- channel:

My TVET. My Skills. My Future!