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As part of the process to facilitate efficiency and sustainability of the Cooperative Apprenticeship Programme, GSDI organized a meeting with the National Presidents of the selected Trade Associations involved in the pilot apprenticeship training.





Apart from the National Presidents, two Training Coordinators from NABH and GESTA, FEPTAG, staff of GSDI as well as a GNTDA Regional President were present. In all fifteen people participated in this meeting.



The main objective of the meeting was to update participants about the Cooperative Apprenticeship Programme as well as to assign participants to their roles and responsibilities in the implementation of the system.



The meeting was held at the GSDI office, on the 24th March 2015, at 10:00am.



  • The Team Leader of GSDI, Dr. Burmester welcomed the participants and gave them an overview about the implementation phase of the Cooperative Apprenticeship Programme and urged participants to take ownership of the system. She used the opportunity to officially introduce the TA Advisor Ms. Wanda Moennig to the participants.
  • Participants were taken through the assessment process and certification issues. Furthermore, participants were informed about the assessment workshops organized at Tema and the various schools that GSDI is cooperating with. Information about the effective collaboration between the Technical Examinations Unit (TEU) of the Ghana Education Service, GSDI and COTVET in relation to assessment and certification was circulated. An overview of what TEU has done in relation to the Cooperative Apprenticeship Programme was also given. Finally the amount to be charge for assessment and certification was also mentioned, to give the participants a rough idea and to be in a better position to support apprentices when necessary.
  • One of the desires of the master craftspersons (MCPs) is for them to acquire nationally recognized certificates. TEU is trying to come up with a training package for MCPs, which will results in awarding of certificates. This information was a laudable idea to the participants and according to them the master craftspersons are more than willing to patronize this service.
  • FEPTAG is also collaborating with TEU and COTVET to come up with a certificate that will be accepted by all stakeholders.
  • The COTVET Legal Instrument (LI) and policy issues regarding TVET were also discussed. Participants were informed about the need for MCPs to duly register and be accredited by COTVET.
  • Participants were taken through the quality measures that have been put in place for the Cooperative Apprenticeship System. The Training Coordinators from NABH and GESTA, shared their experiences and challenges encountered during the monitoring processes. The National Presidents were encouraged to visit the various schools as well as the workplaces to find out details for themselves.
  • The upcoming Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop in Entrepreneurship and Assessment Methods were also discussed.
  • GSDI has done a lot of capacity development workshops and coaching for the selected Trade Associations. Executive members were encouraged to update GSDI about their membership, changes in executive or leadership positions.
  • The President of FEPTAG took the opportunity to brief members on their roles and responsibilities, what they have done so far and what they intend to do.





The follwoing next steps have been identified

  • Form a solid NETWORK both at the school (TP) and workplace (MCP) for rotational training of the Apprentices when necessary
  • Development of Action plan
  • TAs to get involved in the monitoring process
  • Follow up on MCPs who have not been accredited by COTVET (payment of registration fee)
  • Presentation of the TAs profiles for GSDI website
  • A more collaborative relationship between TAs and FEPTAG
  • FEPTAG to get an office accommodation