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Project visit of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Delegation on Apprenticeship in Ghana




A visit to Ho Polytechnic took place on February 6th, 2015. A group of 11 high ranking visitors consisted of several representatives from GIZ, KFW, German Embassy and BMZ. Head of delegation was Mrs. Renate von Boddien, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Head of Division, West Africa. 

As a flash light of GSDI, a visit to the Fashion Department of Ho Polytechnic was arranged. The delegation enjoyed the interaction with apprentices, and their facilitators Elizabeth Obinnim, Head of Department, and Florence Agra, Lecturer at the Laboratory of the Fashion Department. The observation of the practically oriented training in the Garment sector was followed by a meeting with Trade Association (TA) representatives in the Seminar room. Attendees watched a music clip, which illustrated the message of the importance to learn a vocation in Ghana. TA executives from several trades (Barbers, Fashion/Design, Electronics) emphasized on the success of the cooperative apprenticeship model and that definitely more of this training opportunities are needed.  Before leaving the campus, a visit was paid to the Rector of the Polytechnic, Prof. Emmanuel Sakyi in the Council Chamber, where the visitor’s mission was explained and appreciated by the Rector.





3:00pm Welcoming at Ho Polytechnic
3:10pm Introducing delegation to a training course in ‘Garment’
Apprentices and instructors explain what they are doing
4:00pm Displaying a music clip ‘GhanaSkills – Adwuma-Pa’
4:10 – 5:15pm

Explanation of the TVET project ‘Ghana Skills Development Initiative’ and the Cooperative Apprenticeship Model;
Interaction with the Trade Association Executives;
Introduction to Rector, mission summary;

Fare well