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 CBT TAKES OFF!After years of preparation and capacity building, a selected number of Training Providers in three regions of the country (Gr. Accra, Volta Region and Northern Region) are now starting to offer training courses for the informal sector. Beneficiaries are representing five trades: Garment, Cosmetology, Electronics, Automotive, and Welding. CBT Facilitators take Master Craftspersons through tailor made short courses. Apprentices receive training on National Proficiency level I. COTVET is supervising the accreditation process of Training Providers and Trade Associations.
First experiences are quite promising – Master Craftspersons and Apprentices are keen to learn and to improve their skills. But the newly introduced cooperative apprenticeship programme, which is following the CBT approach, the new mode of TVET, is creating challenges as well. A close monitoring will show strengths and weaknesses of the model, and necessary adaptations will be made.