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GSDI ON AIROne slot of 'Time with COTVET' broadcasted by Citi FM breakfast show was given to GSDI, in order to provide information about the project and to improve the perception of TVET. The opportunity was taken by Jeanette Burmester and Gladys Quarshie on the 12th of November 2014 at 9 am. Questions on project background, progress and bottlenecks were answered in an informative and professional way during the interview. Many people are listening to the radio regularly, so we hope to have brought our message about the need and the approach of improving the apprenticeship system involving several stakeholders like COTVET, Training Provider and Trade Associations across. A strong emphasise was placed on the role of the Trade Associations and their Master Craftspersons, as they are one of the main driving forces in reforming the Apprenticeship system. The experiences from the German model, which can be helpful for Ghana, were mentioned as well.