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Two 2-days-training workshops for Trade Association representatives from the Electronics sector were held in the Volta Region (in Ho at Polytechnic and in Abor at St. Theresa Center for the Physically Challenged). On September 16th – 17th, 2014 the training workshop for Electronics in Ho was attended by 13 MCPs and 6 teachers and on September 18th – 19th in Abor by 16 MCPs and 5 teachers.


The workshop targeted the following objectives:

  • To provide an overview about the GSDI project progress with brief discussion on cooperative apprenticeship program based on CBT
  • To  present the structure and content of Workplace Guidelines for Electronics based on Units and Learning Outcomes as well as the  Apprentice Logbook
  • To train Master Craftspersons (MCPs) on electronic issues based on Occupational Standards
  • To collect comments and inputs from the TA representatives
  • To bring MCP’s and teachers together for future interaction


The workshop also gave participants the opportunity to interact and get to know each other (teachers and MCPs). The MCPs for their first time visited the Training Providers with which the apprentices as well as the MCPs will collaborate during the cooperative apprenticeship training.

The facilitator of skill training on Electronics subjects and tools was Mr. Pascal Danyo supported by GSDI Advisors Mrs. Gladys Quarshie, Mrs. Wanda Mönnig and Mr. Robert Danful. The participants of both workshops were highly enthusiastic and got a lot of inputs for their professional work, understood the importance of life-long-learning and established networks among each other.