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Workshop to refresh and enhance knowledge and skills of Garment Teachers of the respective Training Providers (TP) from 26th of May to 6th of June 2014



GSDI organized this training in order to equip the teachers for the future training courses held to improve the employability of apprentices. The Workshop took place at the premises of Ho Polytechnic.

As Facilitators GSDI was able to engage Dr. Mercy Kuma-Kpobee and Mrs. Elizabeth Tandoh.

The first skill upgrading workshop was held in 2013, but due to the large number of teachers not all could to be invited. For this workshop the remaining 11 teachers from the pilot schools were asked to come and participate.

The main areas this workshop dealt with were:

  •  Workplace organization and arrangement (Utilization of Space, Floor Finishes)
  •  Garment Industry in Ghana (General overview)
  •  Health and Safety (Hazards, Prevention, Fire Extinguishers)
  •  Tools and Equipment (Use, Maintenance, Storage)
  •  Fabrics and Notions (Classification, Basic weave types, Fabric finishes, Common notions, Needles)
  •  Sewing techniques (Openings, Fastenings, Seams, Facings)
  •  Measurement taking (Different Methods)
  •  Garment assembly (Process improvement)


The method of delivery was very interactive. As short introduction into each topic there was a 5 minute presentation by the facilitators. After that the floor was open for discussion and exchange of experiences within the whole assembly. Everyone was eager to put in his or her knowledge and to get new information from others. Sometimes breaks had to be shifted because of the discussion being so vibrant.

There were many projects and activities, which made it easy to relate to theoretical or more abstract facts.

This whole workshop was a very successful one and the participants as well as the facilitators were sad when it ended.