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Maintenance Management Workshop for TA Training Coordinators of Trade Associations  CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT TRADE ASSOCIATIONS (TA)

The Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) organized a 3-days Maintenance Workshop for Training Coordinators of the selected Trade Associations in the three regions Volta, Greater Accra and Northern region.

The main objective of the training focused on the upkeep of technical equipment, continuous improvement of the workplace, with the aim of ensuring effective and efficient training at the workshop.  The specific objectives of the training include to:

  1. Created awareness of maintenance costs and benefits
  2. Equiped Training Coordinators with skills and knowledge to improve workshop organization in the MCP workplaces
  3. Enabled the participants to prepare simple sample maintenance plans which can be used by the Coordinators for instruction of MCPs

The University of Development Study (UDS) Guest House was used as venue for the training programme. In total thirty training coordinators from the selected ten trade associations participated in the workshop.

Topics treated in the workshop were the pillars of Maintenance Management System (MMS).

These include:

  • Introduction to Fundamentals of Workshop MMS
  • Elimination of Main Problem Areas
  • Autonomous Maintenance
  • Planned Maintenance
  • Maintenance Prevention


The mode of training delivery was mainly practical oriented training.

During the training the participants:

  • Developed cause and effect of maintenance for each trade sector and try to eliminate main problem areas pertaining to their trade sector
  • Described the current situation in the five trade areas
  • Prepared trade sector wise model workshop layout
  • Developed a sample of  a maintenance plan format for workplace inspection and maintenance planning
  • Developed a common maintenance plan format for all TAs


On the last day of the training workshop, the Director of GFA, Mrs. Anja, advised participants to apply whatever they have studies to their various trade sectors in order to improve upon the maintenance practices in their workshops. She then delivered a certificate of participation to all the members.

Participants expressed their appreciation to GSDI for their support.