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Construction  Machinery  Mechanics  Training  Institute   


Background Information

The Construction Machinery Mechanics Training Institute (CMMTI) is one of current thirty five institutes in the country, Ghana under the auspices of National Vocational Training Institute (N.V.T.I.) - Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare. It was established in 1974 at Burma Camp in the premises of Agric mechanization Engineering, Directorate.

Trainees are expected to have both Institute and Industrial exposure before completion of the four (4) – year training programme which leads to the awards of NVTI foundation Certificate, Certificate I & II.


The Construction Mechanic Machinery Training Institute exists to provide the best demand driven, employable skills through competency Based Training including entrepreneurship to meet industrial demands for the youth and any other person including the Informal Sector.


To offer systematic training to the youth in demand driven employment skills geared towards self employment and poverty reduction.


Programmes offered 

  • Motor Vehicle Mechanics
  • Heavy Duty Diesel
  • Auto Electricals
  • Welding and fabrication
