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Implementation of Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) III at TVET School “2nd Image International”

A delegation of high-ranking officials from the European Union, led by the Acting Head of the EU Delegation in Ghana, Mr Paolo Salvia, have visited 2nd Image International, a private cosmetology and garment training school supported under the Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) III project.

German Embassy Donates to Re-Opened Garment Department at ATTC

The European Union and Germany have demonstrated their support to TVET at the Accra Technical Training Centre (ATTC) by collaborating with the Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) to organize a one-day programme to increase interest in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) especially among Junior High School (JHS) pupils. The German Embassy also donated twenty sets of furniture to equip the newly-revived garment department at the school. This event is in line with the school’s 50th Anniversary.