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GSDI supports Ghana’s first National Skills Competition

Relying on the trained skills of your own hands to build your future: in this core spirit of technical and vocational education and training (TVET), about 70 participants competed during Ghana’s first National Skills Competition in skills categories such as Manufacturing and Engineering Technology, Information Communication Technology for IT Software Solution, Fash

COTVET and GIZ strategize GSDI’s support to the implementation of the national TVET agenda

The Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) has organized a successful one and half-day retreat with the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) and other main governmental project partners in Ada to strategize GSDI’s support to the implementation of Ghana’s TVET reform.

Delegation from the German Government visits GSDI in Koforidua, Eastern Region

Following the inter-governmental consultation on German-Ghanaian development cooperation, the German delegation from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has embarked on a field trip on 13th of June, 2018, to get insights into the TVET landscape in the region and the German support to TVET in Ghana through the Ghana Skills Development Initiativ

GSDI Steering Committee Members visit TVET Institutions in Eastern Region

The GSDI Steering Committee embarked on a field trip to visit five TVET institutions to familiarise with their work and discuss their successes and challenges thus far. The steering committee consists of members from selected state institutions, trade associations, training providers, the private sector and development partners. The group started off with a visit to the Koforidua Technical Institute where they were welcomed by the vice principal and taken to see the garment, welding, electronics and automotive departments.

GSDI Launches in New Project Region

The Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) has officially commenced project activities in the Eastern Region with a launch in Koforidua. This is part of the project’s bid to extend to other regions of Ghana. After receiving co-funding from the European Union, the GSDI is expanding its activities to a total of six Regions, introducing three additional trade areas, and starting to promote agricultural education training. The Eastern Region is one of the new regions. This is to complement the existing four regions and five trade areas.